Visit Us

587 Franklin Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11238

See Events Page

(347) 446-5837




Why did you make this space?

I created this space because I wanted an avenue for my paintings to be seen and I wanted to sell some pieces. I decided this would be a great opportunity to meet other artists and support them!

Who is allowed in the space?

We are open to any art form that is positive, uplifting, and inclusive.

Why did you choose the name My Gallery NYC?

I chose the name My Gallery NYC because I want artists that use this space to claim it as their own. When artists invite people to show off their work, I want them to say, "I am having an exhibition at MY GALLERY". There is that aura of legitimacy behind having a gallery that I hope would encourage artists to continue creating.

How can I display my work here?

Visit our contact page!

What is your goal for this space?

My goal is to encourage artists to invest in themselves. There are so many people who create but never promote their work. I want people to take a chance and dispel the fear of showing off their work.